Skyrocket your bank's sales with the Eximee low-code platform

There are at least as many sales processes as there are products and services in a bank's portfolio, but the critical and most profitable ones include sales of accounts, credit cards, and cash loans.

Use the Eximee low-code development platform to design and automate these three main processes first. Once they run like clockwork and provide stable revenue, you will feel much more confident about digitizing more complex processes like mortgage sales.

Modern sales of banking products

Design omnichannel sales processes

Nowadays, sales results largely depend on leveraging the potential offered by omnichannel sales.

  • Use the Eximee low-code platform to rapidly and cost-effectively develop cross-channel sales processes and build a consistent portfolio of services and products across all supported channels.

Personalize your offers

If you want customers to rate your bank's services highly, you need to present them with a personalized offer. Proposing an investment product to someone who doesn't have a considerable sum of money or offering a cash loan to a wealthy person doesn't make customers feel you understand and anticipate their needs.

  • Thanks to dynamic application forms created with the Eximee low-code platform and smooth integrations with a CRM system and external solutions for collecting and analyzing behavioral data, you may gather customer information, build a 360-degree customer profile, and personalize your offer to boost cross-selling opportunities.

Sell what a customer needs
here and now

Customers expect banking products to be available at their fingertips and activated immediately after purchase, just like in e-commerce. Accelerating customer onboarding and bank decisions in the case of cash loans requires extensive process automation and integrations with third-party services, such as identity verification, signature authentication, credit score check, and customer credibility evaluation.

  • The Eximee low-code platform can be connected to both internal bank systems and third-party APIs, making it possible to develop a fully automated onboarding process and fast-track cash loan decisions.

Enhanced sales capacity

Recover lost sales

Just as e-commerce tracks abandoned shopping carts, banks can and should respond to abandoned application forms in sales processes.

  • The Eximee low-code platform immediately detects events such as session expiration or browser closure and triggers sales recovery processes. For example, the system can send an email to a customer, or a case can be forwarded with all necessary data to a call center employee who will contact the customer to close the sale.

Expand your outreach

Affiliate marketing is one of the most potent and cost-effective channels for banks seeking to reach and convert prospects looking for information on mortgage rates, insurance, credit cards, or personal banking on the Internet. However, you need a solution to keep control of your online marketing spending and pay only for finalized transactions and conversions.

  • Designing application forms on the Eximee low-code platform, you can define that the parameters from the affiliate link on the partner's site will be reported for billing. It ensures transparency of cooperation with affiliates and significantly expands sales opportunities.

Continuous improvement
of sales processes

Scrutinize your processes

Implementing an application form or sales process doesn't mean the job is done. There is always room for improvement, but if you want to know what to optimize, you need solid data on how customers cope with the process.

  • The Eximee low-code platform aggregates information about system and business events in the entire process, analyzes them, and visualizes performance. It lets you measure conversions, monitor how customers move through the sales funnel, and determine how often they use particular business paths. It also helps verify the effectiveness of internal services and spot bottlenecks.

Evaluate UX assumptions

When implementing a new application form or process, you may hastily assume you are providing customers with an optimal user experience. However, it is a good practice to treat the design as merely a hypothesis to be verified.

  • The Eximee low-code platform provides a rich library of ready-made and customizable UI/UX components. You can also add your own components and conduct A/B tests to see which ones streamline your sales processes the most.
  • Additionally, the platform comes with ready-to-use integrations with analytics tools such as Google Tag Manager and Tealium that provide reliable data on the entire customer path that you can use to remove friction points and optimize your processes.

Be always ready for change

Every bank strives to keep its product portfolio competitive and maintain its position in the market. Even if there are no internal drivers that trigger the need to make changes (e.g., low conversions) or create new sales processes, you need to observe consumer trends and competitors to keep up with market leaders or better yet, be a benchmark for others. In addition, banks must be prepared to swiftly adapt processes to changing regulations.

  • The Eximee low-code platform enables rapid development of new and greater flexibility in adjusting the existing sales processes, which means a much faster response time to changes in the competitive environment.

Develop failproof sales processes

Any process failure deprives you of sales opportunities, so ensuring uptime and continuity of processes is critical to your business.

  • The Eximee low-code platform architecture makes it possible to deploy business processes in separate environments and to isolate processes such as credit card sales, loans, or customer onboarding from self-service processes. This way, even if there is a problem with one of the processes, you don't need to worry it might escalate and decrease your sales.
  • Moreover, Eximee provides preventive diagnostics, meaning it detects potentially dangerous situations and allows you to address a problem before it actually occurs.

Strengthening Credit Agricole's position as leader in installment loans

We developed a dedicated mechanism that allows customers to return to the application form (after OTP authorization) at any time.

We appreciate that with the Eximee platform, we can develop modern sales scenarios in the digital world. An additional advantage of the Eximee platform is that it is a fully omnichannel application. Both our customers and employees work on the same application. It facilitates interactions between our employees and customers. I highly recommend it.
Marcin Łaziński
Manager of Omnichannel Experience Optimization Department, mBank

Step 1

Discovery meeting
We discuss the current state of your processes, digitization and automation capabilities, and possible solutions.

Step 2

Together we choose the process to digitize and develop a plan.

Step 3

MVP & Evaluation
We develop and implement the application, evaluate the results, and decide which processes to digitize next.

Take the first step!

We are happy to share our experience in digitizing banking processes.
Let's meet to discuss how we can help you grow your business with the solutions used by leading banks.