Effective multi-channel communication with your bank's customers
All banking processes require some form of contact with customers, providing documents and information about the outcome of the process. The Eximee Customer Contact Center is a module that enables effective customer communication and increases service efficiency.
How does the Eximee Customer Contact Center work?
The communication channel usually depends on whether a customer has agreed to be contacted through an internal banking channel or not. The Eximee Customer Contact Center helps you handle both cases as the system automatically sends messages through a channel selected by a customer.
- The platform offers ready-made document templates and supports document generation, but it can also pull documents from the bank's Document Management System.
- Moreover, the Eximee Customer Contact Center ensures compliance with the legal requirement to provide electronic documents using durable media.

What can you use the Eximee Customer Contact Center for?
- Sending bank statements, contracts, and documents
- Distribution of NPS, CES, and other surveys
- Notification of technical interruptions
- Process-related communication
(e.g., request for
documents completion) - Handling complaints
- Informing about changes in regulations
- Marketing communication
- So-called super-messages (high-priority messages displayed immediately after logging into a banking application)
Internal mail in mobile and online banking
Internal mail in a bank's web or mobile application is a convenient and secure channel for communicating with customers.
Customer mail
Internal mail is available to customers in online and mobile banking applications. Customers view messages just like in the mailboxes they use every day. They can see information about new and unread messages, senders, dates, etc. They can search the list of messages using a full-text search engine and download attachments.
Additionally, a customer inbox can have separate tabs for different categories of messages, such as the Agreements and annexes holding emails with attachments regarding a customer's banking products (accounts, cards, loans) and self-service processes or Statements where account statements are delivered at a frequency specified by a customer.
Sending messages
Sending messages to a bank is more structured than in standard mail. Create specific categories and use dedicated Eximee forms to organize customer messages. It will allow you to automate the processing of particular issues or at least route the communication to the mailbox of an employee specialized in a given matter.

Bank employee mail
Functional interface
The interface of employee mail is neat, user-friendly, and offers a wealth of filters such as unread, read, pending, confirmed, or unconfirmed messages. Employees can create multiple subject groups, e.g., service requests or marketing communication, which helps maintain order. In addition, if you need to extend functionalities in the employee's mail application, it is possible to embed various microfrontends.
Message creation and management
To create a new message, an employee can use the editor or upload it from an HTML template. Emails can be sent to the entire list of customers or selected people. Bank employees can prioritize messages, request a reply or receipt confirmation, and set up no-reply messages. It is possible to check whether a customer has opened an email and set the sending date or the expiration date, which means the message will be visible to a customer for a defined period.
Work management
The mechanism for responding to messages makes accountability for specific tasks transparent. An employee must be assigned to a message to reply, change its status or forward it to another person. A team leader can allocate customer messages to employees as tasks.
You can use the Eximee Cstomer Contact Center to create and distribute surveys.
Internal mail offers personalization of messages, including those sent in bulk. You can use a template containing personalizable variables, e.g., application form number, name, and surname.
Communication through external channels
In the case of customers who have not agreed to receive messages via internal mail or in processes where such communication is insufficient, the bank can communicate via an external mailbox. Attachments sent to external mail are encrypted, and the passwords are provided in a text message or a mobile app.
As part of the Eximee platform deployment, you also get a subprocess allowing you to react to problems with external messaging – for instance, an external SMS gateway malfunction or an incorrect customer email address that needs to be manually corrected.

Sending emails from automated processes
Automated messaging
Create templates of messages and define customer-specific parameters and the option to add attachments. The Eximee Customer Contact Center module provides an API that allows external systems, including automated processes, to send messages to an individual customer or a specified group of customers.
Periodic messages
Use the Eximee Customer Contact Center module to send recurring messages, such as bank statements provided by internal banking systems. The statements are sent to a customer at the frequency they specified when opening the account or configured in the account settings.

What do you gain with the Eximee Customer Contact Center?
How client feedback shapes the roadmap for the Eximee Customer Contact Center
During a recent research workshop with Santander bank's back-office employees, we talked about Eximee Customer Contact Center. Based on this, we compiled a list of new features and improvements to be introduced. We created user flows and user stories and consolidated information that will serve as a baseline for UX designers' work.

3-step implementation of the Eximee
low-code platform
How to implement Eximee in a bank?

Step 1
Discovery meeting
We discuss the current state of your processes, digitization and automation capabilities, and possible solutions.
Step 2
Together we choose the process to digitize and develop a plan.