Low code development – how to rapidly build a business application and improve banking processes

Eximee Team
Published 01/08/2022

The low-code approach is actually nothing new. One example can be MS Excel, which allows for carrying out advanced operations through the utilization of functions. Nonetheless, low-code platforms are currently undergoing significant growth. According to Gartner, by 2025, over 80% of business applications will be developed using low-code tools. 

Develop applications without a line of code

With low code, you can quickly test product ideas or improvements. While these tools do not require coding skills to operate, they yield outcomes comparable to those of professional developers. Low-code tools relieve pro developers of repetitive tasks, enabling them to concentrate on solving more intricate problems and constructing advanced systems.

An additional value is that the software development process can involve domain specialists who thoroughly understand the business needs and customer expectations, even if they lack programming skills. Their expertise contributes to the creation of user-friendly solutions that effectively engage customers.

It allows banks to create business solutions faster, independent of the release cycle, and respond to dynamic changes in the market and customer requirements.

Low code as a way to close the talent gap

The ability to free up production capacity of developers and create applications without heavily relying on them is crucial, especially considering the ongoing shortage of software engineers in the market. In 2022, there was a global shortage of 40 million developers (cscareerline.com), and Forbes predicts that by 2030, there will be approximately 85 million job vacancies in this field.

Low-code tools have a positive impact on the growth of non-developer employees who aspire to drive change, improve processes, and create innovative solutions. Low-code tools give them such an opportunity. In a report published by Microsoft, as many as 82% of respondents using low-code or no-code tools said that they enable them to expand their knowledge and acquire new technical skills. 

So what is the difference between no-code and low-code?

Low-code development vs no-code development

Low-code platforms enable the development of applications using graphical creators and business configuration and do not require users to have extensive programming experience. However, users can customize or extend such tools using scripting languages or implementing services. It requires basic programming skills, but the services are deployed in secure environments, which eliminates the risk of errors.

The application of low-code technology is wide, especially since it is possible to connect modules to different data sources or integrate them with external systems. Low-code approach is often used in business to implement extensive functionalities and digitize business processes, which requires high flexibility and customization. 

In contrast, no-code tools do not require any programming knowledge. A user applies the available set of elements that allow for rapid execution of the intended project. In this case, the flexibility and possibility of expanding or adapting the created solution to specific needs are significantly limited. Such tools would be, for example, Webflow, Zapier or the popular WordPress.

However, regardless of whether we are talking about low code or no code tools, the platform should:

  • provide flexibility and allow for scalability,
  • be embedded in the cloud to provide employees with access from any location and device,
  • have an extensive knowledge base and preferably an active community that helps new users quickly learn how to operate it.

When should your organization reach for a low-code tool?

When IT department support is insufficient to meet your needs

If your IT team is unable to meet all the demands and needs arising from the market, implementing a low-code or no-code solution can significantly accelerate and streamline work processes. This approach presents a strong business case in such scenarios.

When you want to relieve the burden on developers and give them space for the tasks they find interesting

Stopping work on a project just to make a small change in the code, such as introducing new text or changing a color, is cumbersome for pro developers and means squandering their full potential. Therefore, in order to optimize teamwork, it is worth using tools that allow non-programmers called citizen developers to work in specific areas. 

When you aim to reduce costs

Creating solutions from scratch is not only time-consuming and resource-intensive but also costly. Using a low-code platform, you can skip the phase of drawing up extensive specifications and communicating business concepts to developers. The analysts are capable of composing final solutions using pre-developed elements and expanding them as needed. As a result, you achieve a much shorter time to market. 

When you are looking to grow your bank and achieve your business goals 

In practice, low-code and no-code solutions are used to develop both complex applications and forms, map processes with the best possible UX, and more.  

Basic uses of the tool: 

  • development of applications for either customers or employees with the required integrations and business logic,
  • digitization of existing processes,
  • building omnichannel banking to reach more customers through their favorite channels
  • process optimization and UX improvement 

The question is: which low-code platform to choose?

Create bank-class applications with the Eximee low code platform

The Eximee low-code development platform is a tool proven in the largest banks in Poland. It is a versatile platform that offers all the necessary tools for creating processes in BPMN notation and designing wireframes and interfaces using an intuitive graphical designer with a convenient drag-and-drop function. Additionally, it allows seamless integration of services and scripts, as well as efficient testing and transfer of developed applications to subsequent environments. It is a secure software that helps innovators develop new solutions. How do we do it?

We help you create a better User Experience

We provide more than 100 prefabricated components and we are continuously expanding the list. You can work with the Eximee components to build applications and forms your customers will use to select the banking products they are interested in, fill in their data, send documents, and sign agreements remotely. 

We enable integrations with any applications

You can integrate any tools so that the work is smooth and fully coordinated. You can use ready-made connectors or create your own to provide the unique functionalities required in your processes.

We are cloud-ready

Eximee is an enterprise-class platform that can be installed in a private or public cloud. A web browser is all your employees need to access the platform.

We care about data security

The Eximee platform undergoes audits and regular security updates. Our code is checked for vulnerabilities using tools for static code analysis. 


  • Automation


Eximee Team