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3 clicks to handle any matter - Eximee Customer Service Zone in Santander bank

The Santander Bank was founded in 1857 in the Spanish city of the same name. It is the second-largest bank in the Eurozone and the twelfth-largest in the world in terms of capitalization. Santander Group's core business is retail banking, which generates 74% of its profit.

Santander Bank
Facilitate the search for customer issues and efficiently direct them to the appropriate communication channel
Optimized Customer Journey and improved retail banking ergonomics


The bank places great emphasis on the ergonomics of electronic banking and providing its customers with easy access to new products as well as after-sales service.

Project background

One of the most important factors in choosing a bank is the ease of use and intuitive access to the functions of electronic banking. Therefore, Santander has set its sights on optimizing the customer journey and improving the ergonomics of retail banking.

Our task was to make it as easy as possible for customers to find information about the matters they want to handle and efficiently redirect them to the dedicated communication channel.


In the new solution, after logging into electronic banking, customers land in the Eximee Customer Service Zone – an application at the heart of the banking system, from where they can proceed to handle any matter. Customers see all topics grouped into categories, and after selecting an issue, the system suggests which communication channel is the most efficient way to handle it. The bank can configure the channels available for a given type of issee.

Customers can also use the Customer Contact Center and the search engine, which suggests matching options after typing in a few characters of the issue name.


With the Eximee Customer Service Zone, customers can find and start dealing with any matter in 3-4 clicks. The user interface is intuitive and organized.

The bank provides links to all issues in one place, which translates into easier management of the website and a consistent system for configuring the catalog of available functions.

As a result, the number of calls to the call center has decreased – not only those related to requests for assistance in finding a desired function but also claims, as customers can now make claims online.

The Eximee team has implemented the bank's “Your issues" module available in online and mobile banking. The most important function of the “Your issues" tab is to enable the bank's customers to easily handle many issue without leaving home.

Paweł Mazurek, IT Area Leader Tribe Omnichannel

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