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From idea to implementation in just 5 days - the Grand Lottery of Deposits at SGB

At the end of last year, the SGB Association organized a marketing campaign aimed at boosting the sales of fixed-term deposits. As part of this initiative, customers of cooperative banks were offered enticing interest rates alongside the chance to win valuable prizes.

To expedite the campaign's rollout, the bank had to swiftly implement alterations to the processes and forms managed through the Eximee platform.

Spółdzielcza Grupa Bankowa
5 days
providing the bank's clients with the opportunity to join the lottery program in the process of opening a new deposit

Grand Lottery of Deposits


As a highlight of the Grand Lottery of Deposits, clients who established a deposit between October and December 2023 stood a chance to win PLN 100,000. The lottery encompassed three-month deposits set up either online or at branch locations.

To participate in the lottery, one needed to:

  • establish a deposit at one of SGB's cooperative banks and formally enroll in the lottery;
  • keep the deposit term and await the drawing (the deposit could not be liquidated before 3 months from the date of opening).


To kickstart the promotion, the bank required a seamless method for tweaking product configurations. Embedding the bank's forms and processes on the Eximee platform made this possible.

The concept is straightforward: products eligible for promotion are designated with a special tag. Employees responsible for configuring products for specific banks needed the capability to incorporate such tags. We accomplished this by adding this functionality to the product configurator.

Furthermore, purchasing a product included in the promotion necessitates reviewing the lottery rules. With the implemented adjustments, customers can affirm compliance with this requirement by simply checking the designated checkbox.

Lightning-fast execution

The entire process, from the initial phone call from the bank to the publication of the new forms, was completed within a mere 5 working days. What enabled us to achieve such remarkable speed? The answer lies in the low-code form editing capabilities offered by the Eximee platform.

Thanks to Eximee's integration with the mobile app and its embedding as a webview, deploying the solution to production:

  • did not interrupt the availability of the mobile app for customers,
  • did not require the release of another version of the application.

Project outcome

Thanks to swift action and seamless implementation of the necessary changes, the Grand Lottery of Deposits has emerged as a resounding success. It attracted the attention of clients and increased interest in term deposits.

It's imperative to acknowledge the invaluable contribution of the SGB team's exceptional cooperation, which played a pivotal role in the project's success.

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